Unity Metal

Factors That Affect the Cost of Glass Railings

At Unity Metal, we’ve been providing our clients with top quality glass railing systems for many years, evolving and expanding our offer as our business became more popular. During our journey to today, one thing has never changed – the range of factors that are involved in pricing glass railings.

Many people contact the Unity Metal team asking for more information on pricing and so we’ve shared a clear overview of the things that you need to consider when you decide to invest glass railings – take a look below to find out more.

Material Costs of Glass Railings

One of the most obvious pricing factors that you first need to consider when buying glass railings is the cost of the materials that are used to create the final railing solution. Take a look at some of the main factors that influence the cost of materials when you place your order:

  • Thickness of the Tempered Glass – tempered glass is an essential component in your glass railing system and provide safety against breaking or damage. The thicker the tempered glass you need, the higher the price you will pay. However, if your glass railings are going to be used on staircases, outside or in an environment where they can be knocked or bumped, it is a cost that is important to factor in. The majority of tempered glass comes in ½ inch thickness and laminate glass comes in 9/16 inch thickness.
  • Height of the Glass Railing – at Unity Metal, all of our glass railings are fully customizable, meaning that you can use our service to design the railings that suit your needs exactly. One of these customization options includes the height of the railings to suit your specific design. AS a rule of thumb, most commercial glass railings are 42 inches high but in residential properties it is usually 36 inches high for staircases, 48 inches for pools guards and either 39 o 42 inches for balconies and other areas.
  • Length of the Glass Railing – as with the height of your chosen glass railings, the length is also a specific factor that will increase the final price you pay. If you are installing glass railings around your entire property to get the consistency you need, your final price will include the total length of the railing system you choose which will increase if you need multiple corner pieces.
  • The Different Finishes Available – one of the things that makes Unity Metal so popular with our customers is the fact that we offer a number of stunning finishes for our glass railing systems and stainless steel components. Our glass comes in clear, color and floating options and our stainless steel can be brushed, mirrored, powder coated or PVD coated. Each finish comes with its own price point and we can work with you to find a finish that looks great but that also fits within your budget range.
  • Other Components To Consider – finally, when it comes to the costs of materials for your glass railings, there are other components that may need to be included depending on the design you choose and where you are going to locate your glass railings once you have purchased them. These extra components include posts, top rails, standoff, base show and end caps, glue and rubber inlays. Whether you opt for a standard stainless steel such as the 304 and 316L or the stronger duplex 2205 or the 2507 this will also affect the overall price. Not sure what you want? Speak to the Unity Metal team to find out what is on offer and how much it costs.
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Labor Costs

Once you have decided the glass railings that are right for you and picked the style and finish, you may think that you have covered all financial bases but there is still more to consider. The cost of labor to install your new glass railings is an important factor that we have broken down for you to consider.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that typical installations are measured in linear footage and a standard installation for glass railings on stairs is normally between $150 – $300. Some of the other options you will need to consider include:

The Labor Required in Glass Railing Installation

When you have worked out your design needs and ordered your glass railing from Unity Metal, you will need to find an installation specialist that can complete installation in the area you are in. The installation process will start with a site visit so that your installer can confirm whether the railings you require are able to be installed at your property location.

Once this has been confirmed and you have completed your order with Unity Metal, your installers can then prepare the site and begin installing the new glass railing system when it arrives. While Unity Metal do not provide a design or installation service, we are happy to liaise with your chosen supplier to ensure that your order is right for what you need as well as providing clear instructions on how to get it set up and installed.

Factors That Can Impact Labor Costs

Many people are keen to find out how much labor will cost them when they decide to purchase glass railings, but this is variable depending on a range of factors. Some of the main factors include the length, weight and height of your chosen railings, the location of your property and ease of access, the number of installers your project will need and the timeframe in which you need the work completed.

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It’s also very important to consider the cost of raising your posts and balancing it where it will be installed. Most installation companies have access to specialist equipment that they will use to lift the railings and glass into place to help avoid breakages. Many people think that installing their own glass railings is a good idea, but at Unity Metal, we recommend using a professional installer to help keep installation time and issues to a minimum.

Once you have found an installer that is able to provide the service you need, it is important that you ask for a detailed quote for their services so that you can find out exactly what the money you spend will cover. In reality, it is always wise to have some spare money factored into the pricing in case anything unexpected happens that needs to be remedied.

Customization & Special Features

If your new glass railings have been customized significantly to fit the design that you want, or they come with any number of special features that will require additional or expert installation, you will need to be prepared for the cost of installation to increase.

The best way to understand the impact of all your design needs is to work with your installer from the get-go and ask for them to provide a quote for you to consider with everything you want and then work to modify it from there to make the installation as affordable as possible.

Location & Installation Costs

The cost of your installation will also depend on where you are located in the country and whether there is an installation service near you. Additionally, if your property has difficult access or you railings are going to be located in an area that needs extensive prep work, you will need to factor that into your budget as it will increase the price of your installation service. If you are worried about this or want to find out more about the prices you may have to pay then give us a call to talk to our team and find an installation service that is locale to you to get an initial quote from them too.

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Understanding Everything You Need to Know About Glass Railing Costs

Choosing glass railings is a great choice when you want to give your property a modern and elegant look. However, it is clear that there are many costs involved that you will need to properly consider before you take the plunge, including material costs, labor costs and the price of customization, delivery location and installation.

At Unity Metal, we work hard to provide you with the best value metal railing solutions that are designed with your needs in mind. We have a number of options you can choose from and provide a customizable railing solution so that the end result looks just as great as you had imagined. Check out our range today or get in touch and let Unity Metal help you to transform your property!

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